So today I was just slightly bored of using up all my jack3d and decided to give this gamma labs sh*t a run for its money amongst a harsh leg day.
I took this 30 minutes prior to arriving at the gym as instructed by most pre workouts, as I got changed and ate my pre workout banana :) I felt slightly aware of the caffeine but it was extremely dull, maybe because I'm used to using jack so heavy that it's made me build up my stim tolerance. The sachet contains 150mg caffeine so for me who used to feel sick from 50-90mg prior to trying jack it's a big step for me to take.

So I began Working out with some light deep squats and got kind of warmed up nicely, moved onto a heavier more shallow squat as part of my GVT session and after 3 sets of 10 reps I began to feel slightly tired, just behind my eyes not physically. I'm not used to this as I've been using jack everyday for a while now so again I felt a little disappointed in the lack of result the sachet had given me, with that in mind I carried on my workout and seemed pretty focused after getting over that initial tired feeling, I certainly started sweating a lot more than I normally would from a leg day. I found this section of the workout pretty handy as I was performing good quality hanging leg raises for abs without much fatigue at all.

I'm aware of all the ingredients of the sachet and there is nothing in there I haven't tried before so it's great to see such a wide mix of all the useless overated sh*t.

Overall I can't recommend buying this product however it could be handy mixed with a higher dose of caffeine because I have a feeling 150mg just isn't enough when mixed with all the other ingredients.

Tom's rating - 6/10

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