So this post is simply about the effects of coming off creatine.

For the past 2 weeks I've stopped using my creatine mono hydrate simply to conduct a reveiw of the effects.

I'm pretty much staggered at how much of a difference this has made to me, my overall strength has dropped 30% after a test this evening, my water retention has dropped massively so I feel and look a lot skinnier, not leaner though.
I feel mentally drained from the thought of a workout which is NOT like me at all, my cardio system seems to be losing its quick recovery time and finally I think I have a much worse diet, I know this is tedious but it feels my eating has slumped for some reason. A possible phscological withdrawal effect? Not sure.

Tomorrow is my re load of creatine and I can't wait! Massively miss what creatine provided.

This test was simply to prove to myself how beneficial creatine is. If you're not on the stuff then get stocked up! It makes the world of difference and I don't think I'll stop using it for some time, or until a replacement is made.

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